Jayanti Security Services Pvt Ltd is a private security company that has been providing security services in accordance with the policy of the Government of Nepal by registering the company on the date July 2077, 2077-04-07 from the Office of the Registrar of Companies, the Government of Nepal, the Ministry of Industry, the Office of the Registrar of Companies in accordance with Section 5 Sub-Section 1 of the Companies Act, 2063.
Why You Might Need Security For ?
Security challenges, demand and supply with the evolution of human civilization, the work to protect people’s lives and property has started. Along with the development of human civilization, the concept of personal security also developed.
Before the establishment of the modern state and security agencies around the world, it is even practices from the ancient time to deploy the security guards ( चौकी दार ) to protect your property & your precious jewelry. Private Security Service Concept has been in Nepal since a very long time. Security is the act of saving people from danger, loss, terror & fear and property of any person or any entity. Looking at the background of private security in Nepal, in different places, some of them used to protect their own place and society by taking turns while in some area there was an arrangement to keep watchmen & security guards at the places.
For the past few decades, along with the political, economic and social changes that have taken place. Individuals, organizations, government agencies, feel the need for private security. Taking security services from security companies is seen to be increasing Among them, Jayanti Security Services Pvt. Ltd has been continuously providing invaluable security services & contributions since some time ago.
Our Vision
- The private security service will remain aligned with the best interests of the client.
- Reliable & Trustworthy, equipped with advance technologies Security Personnel will be provided.
- Providing direct and indirect assistance to the security agencies of the state through private security services
- Providing private security, investigation, training and other services.
- Providing security and cleaning services required in government, non-government and commercial sectors.
Our Mission
- Providing private security training for young people for National and Abroad employment.
- Coordinating with Labor and Social Affairs, commercial organizations and companies development as a leading organization providing quality private security training
- To take initiative in the related bodies to include private security as a technical education and vocational subject in the curriculum.
- To create safety awareness in the civil society.